Thru – the Bible

Thru – the Bible is the most comprehensive chronological Bible reading program available – period! The program is for both the new and the experienced Christian – the layman, the teacher, the pastor. It not only gives you a well-rounded view of Scripture, but a detailed analysis as well.

  1. Read the entire Bible – as it happened – in one year.
  2. There is insightful commentary on hundreds of Scripture texts – explaining God, His work, and How it relates to you.
  3. You will have the most thorough and accurate chronological Bible reading plan available anywhere!

Thru – the Bible Your Life Will Change as a Result

You will know the Bible – and you will know God. Questions you have about your life will be answered. You will understand what God has done in the past and what He is doing today – and why. Understanding people – why they do what they do – in ways you never have understood before. You will be able to interpret life around you from a thoroughly Scriptural point-of-view.

Supply the Determination and Discipline

I’ll Supply the Inspiration!

Yes, the determination and discipline are yours!

You can decide right now if this is something you want to do – and if it is something you can do.

You already know the answer to the can-do part. That’s because in Christ is the full ability to do everything He wants us to do. And surely, He wants us the be fully acquainted with all of His Word, doesn’t He?

The want-to part is the questionable part. That’s the determination part. God will not force you to do this – you’ll have to want to do it. And, if you are like most people, you probably want to!