DIY Bike Repair

DIY Bike Repair and Save

Lets face it... repairing or maintaining your bicycle is a hassle and oftentimes, daunting. Even worst are bike shops that charge you an arm and a leg for basic repairs! Imagine being able to fix, maintain and upgrade your bikes. So, easy and in a shortest time WITHOUT paying for expensive workshop fees?

Seems like, you can do it from home, in weeks. Not years without wasting money, time and effort on pricey repair fees! often see new bicycle owners get confused and frazzled with their bikes.

Learn the DIY Bike Repair

What’s more, many are unsure how to properly maintain and upkeep them, let alone repair their own bikes! Have a complete jam-packed INTENSIVE course that teaches students the basics. Advanced techniques of bike repair and maintenance…from home?

looked at just about every bike repair & maintenance material out there.
Best of all, the entire program is easy to follow. Systematically work you through a series of basic repairs. A progress using each as a building block to progress onto the next procedure!

I provide detailed tips, hands-on demonstrations and step-by-step visualizations for easy following with each video.

Everything is broken down by chapters for the various mechanical systems of the bicycle.

  1. You will learn all tricks of the trade and acquire techniques that the professional repair shops don’t want you to know.
  2. This guides you through sequences of steps building from simple repairs to complex upgrades
  3. You’ll find a new technique or two that can kick your skill level into the stratosphere.
  4. If you’re a beginner, you’ll be privy to training that would cost you years of time, and tons of money.

Check out the sports wear available for riding.